Auditing is a legitimate right of the software publisher. An audit is intended to monitor the conditions of use of software. A “compliance audit” consists of verifying the consistency between contractually defined user authorizations (licenses and rights) and the actual usage of the software.

How to minimize the impact of license audits?

In the event of an audit, we first help the customer create a safe framework for the audit. What is the scope? Does the vendor agree with your entitlements list? Can the vendor provide a detailed description of metrics as an appendix to the audit protocol?

We help perform a data collection and a compliance analysis in parallel or ahead of that conducted by the auditor, so as not to fuel unnecessary conflicts with erroneous data. We anticipate situations where unclear advice, unintentional mistakes, or false positive elements could threaten your company.

As need be, we provide a well-argued and comprehensive counter-report, taking into account favorable clauses that your company may have signed as well as unfavorable clauses that were not presented to your company for approval.

Thanks to our tools, we know how to optimize your allocations, reduce your risks and thus minimize or even eliminate the financial impact of the audit. We take the same approach to all publishers and products.

The Following Services Are Included in Our Engagements

  • Vendor specific experts – our Audit team has either worked at the vendor or at a big auditing firm for many years auditing software from that vendor
  • Data collection done from your tools as much as possible
  • Industry leading tools for license calculation and normalization – whether developed in house or third party, we’ve vetted these tools in our practice to make data collection easier for you
  • Review of all software contracts related to that software publisher to make sure we have the full history and understand your contractual rights
  • Data experts – most companies have findings against them in software audits because they don’t’ have the right data – we love data and we make sure it’s ready for the auditors
  • Team Members – Our experts become part of your team – we don’t get paid by the software vendors or auditors – we become one of you and our goal is the same as yours, save you money
  • Training and back up documentation – everything we do is documented and we train you on what we did so that you can do it yourself the next time

SAMPRO LICENSE offers a complete service to help organizations prevent and manage software license audits. This type of service is often called “counter-audit” or “audit defence”