SAM Insight Tools are an essential building block of an automated approach to SAM. Multiple combinations of tools are possible, including free tools from publishers, tools already existing within your information systems, and tools dedicated to Software Asset Management.
Tools allow you to have exhaustive, standardized data, and some tools enable you to process this data to optimize your compliance.

To each organization its Software Asset Management tool

Is it necessary to buy a Software Asset Management tool? If so, how do you choose the one best suited to your needs? How can you use tools that are already in place, such as SCCM, Landesk, and Altiris? According to the white paper “Software Asset & Cloud Management: from software asset management to service optimization” co-written by Cigref and SAMPRO LICENSE, 52% of large companies surveyed have adopted a commercial SAM solution, and 94% of them use at least one discovery or inventory tool.

SAM Insight Tools have quickly established themselves among CIOs who wish to improve their software asset management. This has been accelerated by the growing maturity of software asset managers, combined with the considerable progress made by SAM tool vendors such as Snow Software, Flexera, Aspera and ServiceNow.

It is important to pay close attention to your specific needs when choosing Software Asset Management tools. A suitable tool, combined with a service to integrate and manage it, will bring you great added value, both financially and in terms of controlling your IT assets.
SAMPRO LICENSE role is to help you make an informed choice, both technically and financially, and to support you in harnessing the full potential of your software and cloud asset management tools.

Our assessment criteria for your ITAM tool

  • Green – Good, most tools are addressing this area well
  • Amber – Room for Improvement – Most tools could do better in this area
  • Red - Weak – Most tools are lacking key functionality in this area

Advice and expertise on Software Asset Management tools

Discovery and tooling strategy - Choice of data collection tools